jueves, 7 de julio de 2016



Cognates are words that share meaning , spelling and pronunciation similar in two languages. While English cognates with very few shares a language like Chinese, 30 % to 40 % of all English words have a related word in Spanish.


Falses cognates:

Cognates are words that share meaning , spelling and similar pronunciation in both languages. While English cognates with very few shares of a language like Chinese , 30% and 40 % of all English words have a related word in Spanish.


bomber-avion bombardero
can-lata o verbo poder


1.El hotel es moderno.         
  The hotel is modern.
2.El dragon es feroz.
   The dragon is ferocious
3.El actor admira el arte
   The actor admires the art.
4.Tengo hambre
    Im hungry
5.Yo no lo hice!
    i didn't do it.
6.Como te llamas?
   Whats your name?
7.El automovil rojo causa un acidente.
   The car causes a accident.
8.El tigre tiene un acidente.
   The tiger had a accident
9.I like hot chocolate
    Me gusta chocolate caliente
10.No entiendo
    I don't understand

A reading in English , always going to get these cognates and no son Sino words that resemble a line Others Our language. The importance of Conduct A Dictionary and correct the translation , is that not always significant Estós carried What This word is a language translation.

Not surprisingly, researchers studying the acquisition of the first and second languages ​​have found that students benefit by recognizing cognates.

As noted , many English words resemble those words in Spanish , some have the same meaning and are called cognates such as television ( TV ) , but others have totally different meanings. These similar words but different meanings are called false friends ( false friends ) or false cognates ( false cognates ) .
It is very important to know who learn English false cognates , in order not to make mistakes , such as telling someone :
Sympathetic ( comprehensive)
when what we mean is nice (sympathetic )
Cognates used in computers:

Systems                                sistemas
Software                               software
Hardware                              hardware
Computer                              computadora
Language                               lenguaje
Communication                     comunicación
Symbols                                símbolos
Generation                            generación
Technology                           tecnología
Central                                 central
Digital                                   digital
Operations                           operaciones
Control                                control
Falses cognates:

Récord                registro, archivo
File                     archivo
Improve              mejorar
Success              éxito
Library               biblioteca
Actually              realmente
Carpet                alfombra
Date                   fecha
Exit                    salida
Large                 grande
Media                medios
Once                 una vez
Signature           firma


Choose the correct word cognate to each sentence:
1. Did you know that Chrissie got ________________ (embarrassed/pregnant) on holiday in Ibiza?
2. The ________________ (signature/subject) I hate most is maths.
3. Begonia is a very ________________ (kind /sympathetic) person.
4. Keep ________________ (removing/stirring) the soup the whole time.
5. I couldn't agree more. That's a very ________________ (sensible/sensitive) idea.
6. The filmThe Quiet American was a box-office ________________ (exit/success).
7. How many ________________ (idioms/languages) can you speak?
8. ________________ (Actually/Nowadays) I'm living with my parents again.
9. The poor live in the ________________ (slums/suburbs).10. The police came to my ________________ (assistance/attendance)
Identify the True Cognates in each sentence; there are more than one in some sentences:

1.The doctor told me that she is ok. ______________________________________________
2.This is an important hospital __________________________________________________
3.The Imperial Hotel is good. ___________________________________________________
4.The travel was perfect. ______________________________________________________
5.My mother is very popular.___________________________________________________
6.Music is the best invention of the world._________________________________________
7.Jupiter is the biggest planet of the Universe.______________________________________
8.Miss Universe is so beautiful. _________________________________________________
9.I dont like Chinese restaurants. _______________________________________________
10.Venezuela is a great nation. ___________________________________________________

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